10 Pop Culture Icons (Photoshop adjustment to Illustrator)

The goal is to get a recognizable image of a Pop Culture icon that has few "Islands"



  1. Save large high quality image to your UDrive.
  2. In Photoshop, open the image.
  3. Unloock the image by double clicking the lock image on the layer panel
  4. Convert color images to Black & White: Image > Adjustments > Black & White (Alt + Shift + Cntrl + B)
  5. Adjust the image: Image > Adjustments > Threshold, adjust the slider.
  6. Open an Illustrator New document 8 1/2" X 11" portrait or landscape depending on your image.
  7. Drag the image from the Photoshop document to the Illustrator document.
  8. In illustrator select the image, on the top bar click the arrow next to inage trace select Black & White Logo.
  9. You can adjust some of the trace settings in the Image Trace panel.
  10. After you trace you need to expand.
  11. Ungroup.
  12. Using the Magic Wand Icon, select a white area and delete the white areas.
  13. Eliminate as many Islands as you can.
  14. Adjust the image to be sure it is 8 1/2" X 11".



After you have 10 Images all the way through the Illustrator trace and adjustments, we yourself and Crafty, need to decide on one image to work with.


You need to create two RLD Documents for this image, (the laser software we used in the Valentines project). One will be for cuutting black, the other will be for tracing your image on white paper for a glue guide.

Title them:

White RLD Settings:

Black RLD Settings: